
Brentwood Drive SDA Church



Brentwood Drive Church is part of the Woodlands Conference (WC) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church under the Southern Zambia Union Conference (SZUC) of the Southern Africa - Indian Ocean Division (SID). Brentwood Drive will continue pursuing the mission of the church in Harmony with the doctrines, programmes adopted and approved by the general Conference, SID, SZUC and WC. Brentwood Drive's catchment are is State House and its surrounds. With regards to Church leadership, Brentwood Drive is administered by the Church Pastor, Elders, Church Clerk, Treasury and the Heads of departments as per the Church Manual. The business meeting, held at least once per quarter, is the governing body of the church and membership comprises all baptized members in good and regular standing.

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Our Beliefs

Brentwood Drive Church accepts the Bible as it only creed and holds certain fundamental beliefs as the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. We view God as the divine architecture who, in His wisdom, grace, and infinte love, is restoring a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity.

Our Vision

A Holy Spirit filled Church, firmly grounded in Jesus Christ committed to evanglism, ready for His second coming


History & Beliefs

Brentwood Drive officially began it ministry in April 2004, following a decision by Lusaka Central Seventh-day Adventsit (LCSDA) Church to form a Branch at the International School of Lusaka (ISL) in March 2004. The ISL Branch wa organized into a company on 12 November 2006. The Company moved to the plot along Brentwood Drive in the Woodlands suburb on 7 April 2007, following the construction of a toilet block, and purchase of a tent as well as chairs. In the same year, the ISL Company adopted the name, "Brentwood Drive Seventh-day Adventist Company." The transitional building was constructed in 2010, and since then, worship services have been conducted in the same building.

Brentwood Drive Company was organized into a church on 30 March 2008 with 33 members. Most of the pioneer members were largelyt drawn from LCSDA Church. After being organized, Brentwood Drive CHurch became part of the three original Churches in Kabulonga Mission District. On Sunday 7 September 2014, the Church was simultaneously dedicated and granted district status. On 18 April 2015, Brentwood Drive launched its first five-year Strategic Plan, 2015 - 2019. Some of the notable sucesses of the Strategic Plan include: commencement of construction of the permanent church building; establshment of the Horizon Company on 11 November 2017; being granted authority to hold a standalone camop meeting, which led to the successful Brentwood Drive Camp meeting in April at Pazuri; and acquisition of a permanent campsite, Susu Drive where the second camp meeting was successful held in May, 2019. As Seventh-day Adventist christians, we accept the Bible as the only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. Over the years, our Church has agreed upon key statements (commonly referred to as fundamental beliefs) that Seventh-day Adventist understand from the Bible. There are currently 28 fundamental belifes that have been organized into siz - the doctrines of God, man, salvation, the Church, the Christian life and last day events. In each teaching, God is the architect who in His wisdom, grae and infinite love, is restoring a relationship with humanity that will last for eternity.

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We are called to spread the Advent Message using all methods of communication that are at our disposal including acts of Kindness, lifestlye, personal conversations, social media, the internet and public broadcasting. We are called to live the Advent Message which has power to transform lives in our community. We are called to spead the advent Message, a message of Salvation in Revelation 14:6-12, by covering all areas including: (a) The eternal Gospel. (b) God's universal mission. (c) Worship. (d) loyalty to God. (e) Creation. (f) The Ten Commandements, including the Sabbath. (g) Judgement. (h) The end of evil. (i) Rest. (j) Salvation.

We are called to make disciples who are Holy Spirit filled - genuine Christians who do not just accept Church' beliefs but for whom Christianity is their way of life, which is demonstrated through their:


Which is healthy and grows deep, so that their personal relationship with Jesus is firmly grounded in God's love and results in love for worship, meditation, prayer, Bible study, and their spiritual practices.


Where they are actively involved in spreading Jesus' Mission through the use of their spiritual gifts.


That is Christ centered, Holy Spirit filled, prayerful, and reflected in their lifestyle, including worship through faithful giving and service to God.


In faith where they continue to mauture in morality, ethics, relationship, and Adventist Christian lifestlye.


That shows an understanding that this covers all areas including time, talents, tresure and temple, that should all be wisely used to bring glory to God


which is strong and improving so that it helps to nurture love among all members, promote a sense of belonging and support mutual discipling within the Church family. We are a forward looking movement of Christ' army, motivated by the love of God and the hope of the soon coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Finally, our love, faith and hope in Jesus Christ transforms our lives, making us willing and active participants in service while still here on earth


Brentwood Media House

Worship Days & Hours:

Sabbath (Saturday):
Sabbath School - 08:45 to 09:30 hours
Sabbath School Classes - 09:30 to 10:20 hours
Afternoon Program - 15:00 to 16:30 hours

Vespers (Wednesday & Friday) - 17:30 to 19:00 hours

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The strategy of Brentwood Drive Church is to encourage every member to live and spread the Advent Message as well as to acknowledge that only Jesus Christ has the power to transform lives. Live the Advent Message by ensuring that every member is constantly connected to God for continued spiritual revival through prayer and Bible study, and highly valuing the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in the context of the Three Angels Message of Revelation 14, to all peoples, by teaching them the story of redemption and nurturing them so that their lives are transformed through the power of Jesus Christ and they are ready to meet Him when He comes for the second time. Uphold Christina lifestyle in our everyday conduct as we cannot afford to suggest by our example that we sanction the transgression of God's Law. We acknowledge that Christianity is a way of life. Thus we are expected to uphold the highest Christian standards in line with Biblical principles.


Core Values


Spirituality involves a relationship with God and His created reality including fellow human beings and their perspectives and experiences, as well as examination of oneself. the journey of spiritual growth is supported by spiritual practices such as prayer, Bbile study, worship, meditation, fasting and acts of service. These are means to the ultimate end of placing our lives in a position where God can be at work on and in us. Genuine spirituality cultivates reverence for God, love, humility and authenticity in the life of the believer. The success of our spirituality is the stabilizer for the success of everything else. See Matthew 6:33.


We believe that every person deserves to be loved, respcted and treated with dignity, honesty, integrity and fairness, because of the infinite value that God has placed upon them. Through God's grace, we desire to have Church family Fellowship where every member feels loved and valued as part of one big family. We desire that every congregant feels the warmth and accepting environment in the Church family regardless of their background. The love of God propels us to witness to tohers about His unconditional love of humanity. See 1 Peter 2:17


We believe that accomplishing the Gospel commission demands that the believers involved in the ministry must be faithfulo in all areas of Stewardship. We believe that people are the most important asset of our Church as we endeavor to fulfill the Church's mission. God's work will not only be completed through people, His appointed agents in this world. See 1 Corinthians 4:2.


We believe that God has bestowed upon all members of His Church in every age spiritual gifts that each member is to employ in loving ministry fo the common good of the Church and of humanity. Given by the agency of the Holy Spirit, who apportions to each member as He wills, the gifts provide all abilities and ministries needed by the Church to fulfill its divinely ordined functions. Members are called to work together, everyone according to hs or her special Christ-given gifts. The difference in spiritual gifts results in a variety of ministries or se3rvices, all united in their witness to extend the kingdom of GOD and prepare the world to meet their Savior (Matthew 28:18-20; Revelation 14:6-12). Additionally, we believe that if the Church is united and employs collaborative effortsw, then the Church and the community will be a force to reckon with in favor of the gospel.


We believe that God's work in all aspectws ought to be done in an efficient and effective manner so as to meet high quality standards (2 Timothy 2:15). It is the duty of the Church leaders and members to put some skill, study and planning into the matter of conducting Church programmes so as to do the greatest amount of good and leave the very best impression upon all who attend. As a way of demonstrating our commitment to excellence, leaders will invest heavily in the mentoring, training and development of others.


Accountability involves taking responsibility for my actions and behaviour and knwoing that my actions speak louder than my words. We shll be accountable to God and to each other in demonstrating intergrity, honesty and a consistent Christian character by adhering to the teachings of the Bible, as taught by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We believe in keeping our promises and being accountable for our Stewardship duties. We believe that good performance should be recognized and performance shortfalls addressed quickly and fairly.We believe in appropriate use of resources with due consideration for effectiveness and efficiency in furthering mission. See Proverbs 21:3.